Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the follow at key west resort

the follow at key west island, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

With over 50+ people in attendance, Key West Island was up to its proverbial neck with fans of THE FOLLOW.

raftwet and liz at key west island

I tried tp'ing several times and when I finally gave up, Mizz Liz Harley sent the much needed tp.

raftwet jewell and liz harley at key west island event for the follow

The FOLLOW is a popular live music band in Second Life. They have over 20 years experience in the music scene. They bring a joyful set to the grid where the fans "follow" them everywhere!

I managed to snap 3 pictures before I crashed! LOL!

eon republic of bassline junkiez

BassLine Island is two years old! Congratulations to Eon Republic, Liqwid Lancaster, and all the rest of the staff for their contribution of drum and bass to the grid.

bassline junkiez 2 year anniversary

bassline 2nd year anniversary in second life

The anniversary party highlighted two separate stages of both drum n' bass, dub and other electronic music.

liqwid lancaster at bassline junkiez party

bassline island party in second life

Several well known dj's including IsitheDreamaker Teskat, DJSven Newman and Barbs Kurka did the honors at the party.

bassline 2 year anniversary party

raftwet jewell at bassline island in second life

Congrats! A job well-done and more music to come from BassLine Junkiez! Woot!

xavier and raftwet at bassline party

xavier and raftwet at bassline 2nd year anniversary