Saturday, September 11, 2010

sirius klees, builder of virtual lab

sirius klees, builder of virtual lab, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

akira nemeth (pink jacket) builder of virtual lab

fractal floor at virtual lab

Virtual Lab has just uploaded a beautiful club concept from Switzerland.

machinima artist and dj, eifachfilm vacirca

Machinima artist and dj,  Eifachfilm sent a shout through THE A LIST! and we came over to check it out.

virtual lab party zone

swirling colors and designs

When I arrived, I was struck with a sense of peaceful existence with the digital grid. I could feel no lag!

virtual lab party in second life

Following the stairs as they unfolded in front of us, we climbed our way to the club.
dj eifachfilm party at virtual lab

You have to see this place. The photos do not give it justice. You must go to experience it.

party patrons at virtual lab

raftwet, xavier at virtual lab

rafee and xavi at virtual lab

Virtual Lab in Second Life.

Note: All you see here is under the GPL.

Photos by RAFTWET Jewell taken at Virtual Lab.
Virtual Lab is owned by community.